
I wanna do anything to just feel better

Funny how when you are having a baby, everyone from your mother to the hair dresser is only too happy to tell you what she thinks. Not that either my hair dresser or mother are overly pushy (the former gave me a new cut today, chin length with layers. . . pictures soon), but I have found that since day one.

Someone will ask us if we plan to find out the gender, and then tell us how the moment is so beautiful when you wait for the surprise. I told my mom this morning that we were going to put the baby in his/her own room right from the beginning and while she had never said anything about it beforehand, she sighed and said I am happy to hear you say that, I think that children need their own place and bed right from the beginning, even if you fall asleep nursing in your bed one night, at least they went to sleep in their own place. I can only imagine what people will say when we talk about circumcision or breastfeeding past six months (for the record, we are not getting the baby circumcised and I am planning on breastfeeding for a year. And wherever the hell I want to in public and I pity the person who tells me to put my breasts away!), toilet training and whatever else there is.

I am not one of those people that thinks mothers who formula-feed their children have failed at Motherhood 101 and will never have that magical bond between their children, and to tell the truth I feel bad for those mothers. I have seen three doctors and one midwife since I have been pregnant, and two of those doctors seemed the type to give grief if I had told them that, no, I did not plan to breastfeed. One of those doctors had also tried to convince me that we should do prenatal testing even after I told her we had researched it and talked about it and then decided against it just because (according to her) some people think that they would not terminate the pregnancy but change their mind when the tests come back stating that your child might have a birth defect. We conceived this child in love, and who are we to decide that it does not have the right to pain and love and everything that a life entails? Sure I am pro-choice, but we had already made up our minds and she did not seem to respect that. Which is part of the reason that she is not my doctor. But, I digress.

I am going to volunteer every Monday afternoon at the Food Bank, so that is fun. Also I am undecided about my hair. I think I like it, but find it always takes a couple of days and washing and blow drying it myself to really be sure. And it is freezing here. And I am breaking in one of my new casserole dishes tonight with Sheppards Pie, so, I must run.

wunderwuman at 3:29 p.m.

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