
Feels just like a Jimi thing

I have finally resorted to wearing my maternity pants. The last few weeks my pants were getting more and more uncomfortable, until last week even my lowest rise were tight and felt like there was constant pressure on my abdomen, so this weekend past I graduated to my preggo pants and let me tell you, it feels like relief, sweet relief. Not to mention the cute pink long sleeved t-shirt I am wearing today. Although Steve says you can tell, I think I just look fat and not quite pregnant.

Speaking of this weekend, it was great. Amanda came in on Friday and the rest of the weekend was spent hanging out, watching movies, going to the Comedy Club (that was hosting absolutely hi-larious comedians this weekend) taking Milo to the park and eating out. All in all, our first guest was a success. And now I am typing an entry in the spare bedroom that still smells like her. It is not the perfume she wears, because this smell smells more familiar to me than perfume that changes, but it is a slightly fruity something in the air.

Yesterday after she left, I came home, worked on my rug (more later) and had a nap on the couch. Today will consist of laundry, tidying, dishes, maybe a workout and a walk with Milo. Tomorrow I have an appointment to get my hair done at a salon downtown and I am really nervous. I thought about getting it done Friday so I did not have to touch it for the Christmas Party Friday night, but then I thought that I did not want to chance fate like that, so I gave myself a couple days incase (worst case) it is absolutely horrible and I have to get it done. I am also thinking of buying hot rollers. The appeal of styled hair over the holidays is luring me. And then I have a moment of sober thought and realize that the waves and style would just fall out an hour after I had done it, unless of course I bought a lot of mouse and hairspray. Which I still might. So anyway.

Well Milo is whining and the laundry and my rug are waiting (I am latch-hooking a rug of Noahs Arc for the baby. Too cute!) and I have many things to do today. So off I go!

wunderwuman at 11:15 a.m.

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