
I guess you gotta have faith

Ugh. I was exhausted last night, totally emotionally drained. I fell asleep immediately when my head hit the pillow. Today is an interview with the woman in charge of the Language Centre, a workout and my interview with the Midwives at one. Steve has decided not to come afterall, because he was out of work yesterday afternoon because of the ultrasound. He is really coming around to the idea though, especially once he realized that even with a doctor giving birth, the doctor just comes and goes to check and then shows up at the last minute. So I hope I really like these women and feel confortable with them. Both doctors I saw had nothing but good things to say and praise for them.

That said, I feel like laying in bed until about ten, watching some daytime trash tv, cleaning the spare room and doing little else today. But hopefully I am home for the day by two thirty and can clean and relax then. We went out for a small grocery order last night and I bought all the fixins for this great dip my mom makes so I am going to make that tomorrow night for me and Amanda! Yay! Also, Steve origionally said he would cook us supper, but has since said that he might go Christmas shopping tomorrow night so that we get some girl time alone.

Alright I am off for to the kitchen for breakfast of toast and probably hot chocolate. I am totally not a chocolate fiend, I really never have been. But latey? Give me anything chcoclate, anything cold, and anything green and I will love you long time! Silly little baby!

Also, does anyone know why my layout is so dumb that quotation marks always come up as question marks?

And one more exciting thing that we said we would not talk about but Steve told his mom last night so I am going to tell mine when I call her tonight. . . the technician said it was too early to officially tell if the baby was a boy or a girl, but he found a little bump that did not show up under the ultraviolet thing as the cord, so if he were to guess, he would say a boy! But he said he would not bet anything more than twenty dollars on it, not to be convinced and that they would most likely be able to tell next time. I have been thinking about this baby as a girl my whole pregnancy, so last night we talked about little boy things and little boy names and I fell asleep thinking about buying our little man Duplo and Tonka trucks and how happy I would be to have a little boy. But, like he said, we are not convinced, haha.

wunderwuman at 8:47 a.m.

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