
I couldn't get away

The cold spell has finally broken. The last two weeks, it's ranged from -20 to -30.

I don't mind the winter. In fact, most of the time I love it. But the cold? The bitter damp cold that soaks through your jacket, all the clothes you have on, into your bones? The cold that is mixed with salt from the ocean and freezes your eyelashes together, makes your core shake? I hate that cold.

I hate that cold because it traps you inside. It makes a prisioner out of you. I hate feeling like I can't go outside. I need to do something, most days, a walk a run, something, that lets me breathe fresh air. But in this weather I can't. So I become moody, and cranky, and bored.

Then there's day's like today. When the sun shines on the snow, and you can walk with your collar unzipped, and we ran in the park, and I took off my hat and let the cool air dry the sweat underneath my hair. And I remembered why I like winter.

wunderwuman at

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