
This is what democracy looks like

I don't agree with some of the things that are going on in the world today. And some I do agree with, and some, I'm not sure where I stand.

We watched a documentary about protesters of the WTO in 1999 in Seattle. And the way they were treated was wrong. But were they? Are the corporations really so evil?

I believe in peace, and I believe that people have a right to protest. I believe that what George Bush is doing is wrong, and I believe that people should be more politically aware. I belive in voting, and sympathy, and empathy and privacy. I'm not sure if I agree with Globalization, though it's happening with or without my consent.

We talk poetically about hippies, about our love for the sky, the sun, crystals in the snow. But how important is it to protect these things? What about those killing the environment, those stepping on human rights. Oil industries, sport companies who blatantly exploit women and childer in suffering countries. What do we need to do about these things?

My little brother told me over Christmas that he thought humanity had fallen, that he didn't see any good that was worth fighting for. I told him that's why we need to fight. Because there is good, it's just too often covered up by the bad. The media portrays protestors as evil, and corporations as angels. And how much of this do we question? I told him it's important to keep faith in humanity. Because if we lose faith in ourselves, there's nothing left.

And here I sit, dreaming of Ottawa, of Peace Protests, of everything, and I say how I'm stuck in the middle of a degree, can't do much for another year.

How many people are hippocrites? Protesting while wearing Levi's and MEC jackets? How much of a hippocrite am I?

wunderwuman at

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