
I don't wanna fight no more

Too many days of enjoying that nothing's been due in a week and a half have left me with seventeen chapters, four essays and one play to read before Tuesday. This is the due date I've given myself, in hopes of getting about half of that done. Also, a minimun seven page paper due Wednesday.

Last night was drunk and dancing and fun, and while I'd love to do that again tomorrow, I can't afford it, financially or work-wise.

I have $278.00 overdue in tuition bills, which is really strange, and am applying for a French emersion program that spans over ten weeks this summer. Down on the North Shore of the province. An little isolated French school hiding along the coast of the harsh Bay of Fundy. The more I think about it, the more I hope I get accepted. I mail in the registration form and fees Monday.

A rugby friend has a cute, curly haired roomate who told him I'm cute and to invite me with them next time they go out. I've been listening to Tina Turner and missing Eva and Amanda. And these are my days.

wunderwuman at

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