
What wild-eyed beast you be

There's a compound behind Zach's appartement and everytime I sleep there it wakes me up in the morning. No different this morning. The world kept moving as we layed there, and I didn't want to join it.

I told him about the Trojan war, about Achilles and why there is a tendon called "Achilles Heel." He told me about his dad, how neither of them get too close to too many people. We wrestled and he told me I was smart, that he could see I grew up with brothers and had to know how to defend myself. I just laughed and told him about the time I fell on a stump and got a black eye when we were camping. He laughed at that, said I sounded like a hick.

I have to go to the gym in an hour and a half, I need a shower and some food before that.

wunderwuman at

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