
Make me imortal with a kiss

My parents were up for the weekend. So I dissapeared under their wing. Hid under their wing. It was nice to see them. I was a little preoccupied the whole time, with the work I should have been doing,

As I wrote that I realized that could too easily become the theme for my life - I was preoccupied with what I should have been doing and missed what was going on where I was.

It's sad when you realize that you feel as though the best of your life has passed you. When you realize you've just started to exist, not anything more. When you're just trying to get through, day by day.

We went to see "Life As a House" last night. I really liked it, and I wanted to cry from the beginning. It was the right movie for me, about people who somehow just let their happiness slip away over time. Never really noticed it was leaving until it was gone.

Sometimes I just want to lie in bed and sleep until everything goes away. And I know I shouldn't. But right now, I'm going to crawl back into my cozy pyjymas, climb into my narrow bed and fall back asleep.

wunderwuman at

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