
Bells for her

Girl, you know you can make it.
I called Amanda today, screw the consiquences of being raped by my school for long distance calls. I've been feeling like I needed to talk to someone outside of here for the last week. Today once I got home from Rugby Amanda and Gretchen's, I picked up the phone and started to call home. Then I realized that Mom wasn't who I wanted to talk to, so I racked my brain to remember her number, and called my girl. She's sad and that makes me sad. But somehow, even if the world is crumbling around us, it doesn't seem to matter when her voice is on the other end of the line. The days don't seem so empty, even when they're busy.

I talked about me, told her about how things are going, made her laugh at my stories from last night, and I hope it was what she needed.

I didn't ask her about her parents, I didn't pry about how she's feeling about Elliot. I don't know why I didn't but I just didn't. Sometimes you need to let go of the thoughts sffocating you, even if it's only for an hour. *sigh* I love that girl.

So last night after we got back from rugby (We beat Acadia 10-0 and I played first half *wooo*), I got a drive down to Gretchen and Rugby Amanda's with one of the rugby boys, they made me pasta for supper, and we got showered and prettied up and headed out to Spaz's. We got there and it was packed. As in I've never seen so many people in a house before at one time. I didn't really get to talk to him, though I saw Ryan Spicer who tried to convince me that we needed to have sex. He said that there was unfinished buisness between us, and that he needed my number so that we can finish it. I gave him my number, though find the situation very amusing, as I know he won't call, and if he does, it's only for sex. Anyway, I also saw Dudley there, which was cool.

We left there and went to Pacifico which sucks cause all it is is football guys and their bunnies, which I hate. I saw Mike Gorman there though, and that was alright. Though at one point I swear he was almost kissing another boy. Interesting, n'est-ce pas? We saw the girls we were supposed to find, lost Gretchen to a boy, and me, Rugby Amanda and Janet (their roomate), all headed home, but I convinced them to stop at Spaz's to see if the party was still going. It was, and I wanted to stay but Rugby Amanda and Janet were tired and not up for it, and since I was staying at their place I had to go with them.

I think I'm going to ask him if he wants to do "something sometime." You know a *whisper* a date. He's a cutie, and a nice guy, seemingly. And Rugby Amanda had it right, she said to me, "What's the worst thing that's going to happen? You go on a date and nothing happens, he's not a moron, you'll still be friends." Which is true. So I know he works at the pub, and I know I'll see him around campus, but I was thinking of being a stalker and going to the pub tomorrow and seeing if he's there. If he is, I'm going to ask him if he wants to go to the movies or out for a drink sometime. Give him my number, or get his, I'm not sure yet, but anyway. We'll see what happens eh?

Also, another first last night, I think I got hit on by a girl. It was one of those parties where a whole bunch of random stuff happens and nothing seems to make that much sense. Anyway, I was waiting in line for the bathroom and one of the froshleaders came up to me (who is pretty hot actually) and she kept looking me up and down and asking if I was going to the Dome with them. Which means nothing, then she asked if she could come in to change while I peeded, so I said ok. Then as she was changing her shirt she turned around with her back to me and said I won't flash you otherwise this would be a complete come-on. I was like, hmmmmm, I'm just here to pee. Heh. Ah well.

Anyway, so that was my night. I'm scared to ask Spaz out, but mostly because after one date or maybe two and a few kisses, I'll decided that it's not what I was hoping and be let down, once again. Ahhhh, boys.

I need a massage.

wunderwuman at

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