
Back on planet earth

Okay, so for the record, I am still alive. For a few days, I wasn't so sure that I was going to survive, but here I am again. I still don't have an internet hookup in my room (I should by the first of next week) and I'm siting in the computer lab with the sound of all the other people typing around me.

So an update. What have I been doing? I went to Frosh Leader Camp, which was so awesome awesome fun! I met totally cool people and here's a shocker: it was such a great environment that by the end of the first day I was completly confortable talking to everyone there. Well everyone except one boy who I have a crush on :). Then we got home and had to go to rugby camp, which wasn't even half as bad as I had imagined it would be. I impressed them, I'm not going to be modest. My sprint was fast and my tackles were solid. And though I'm not going to hold my breath for fear of turning blue, I might I just might get to start at our game against Acadia tomorrow. I hope I didn't jinx myself.

My classes are good, though my spelling is even worse than it was last year. My brain isn't in full work load yet, and sometimes it's hard to keep up with the prof. They're not going to be easy classes, but I'm in love with Janet Baker, my Study of Poetry class prof, cause she reminds me of my Nanny. Also, I kept making eye contact with a cutie cute boy :) hee hee.

So today I have practice out in Spryfield, we have to meet at three. And my parents are taking John up to the city and we're all going out to supper. He's moving to BC on Monday, and is nervous/excited. That feeling when you don't really know what you're feeling, I think. I'm sad, but happy for him.

*Amanda* I haven't existed for the last week or so, and it seems like you really needed someone to exist. I'm sorry that things aren't going good at home, and I'm sorry that I'm not up there to hug you and listen to you vent and cry. And I'm really really sorry that your parents make you feel the way they do. I wish there was something I could do besides say that I'm sorry.

Eva called me yesterday, and I called her back then she called me back but woke me up from a deep sleep and I told her I'd call her back today. She got so drunk one night that she fell and split her lip open, and had to go get stiches. Hahahahahahahahaha, that cracked me up.

Tomorrow Spaz *ooooooboy I think you are cute* is having a party at his house and I am going to go all out. It feels like I haven't drank in fourteen years. So I will be a wild woman tomorrow.

I think that for now, that is all I have to say. I have to go to the bookstore and get some stuff, and I hope hope hope that soon I will be online in my room.

Alright, I'm sitting here squirming cause I have to pee and I have a headache cause I'm hungry, so I'm going to sign off now. :)

wunderwuman at

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