
Fish don't fry in the kitchen, bees don't burn on the grill

I started work yesterday. Took over the cubicle of a woman on maternity leave, took over her computer by downloading messenger. Sadly, it isn't going to let me instal icq. I guess I have everyone I need on my messenger list.

So I spent yesterday learning how to delete products no longer in use from the SAP program. Today I continued with that, while flirting with Coop on messenger. It was a pretty good day.

I'm damn fickle, I guess. All a boy needs to do is say the right words and it makes me go tingly inside. He's having a shroom party this weekend. I want to go, but would never ask. I also would love for him to ask me on a date. My guess is that won't happen, due to the presence of his girlfriend. I need to choose boys more carefully. Read: ones without girlfriends.

I've been good with exercising. Though I've given up half-assed running, and taken to walking. I'm still going strong with the weights. Yay me. I'm my own personal cheering squad.

I don't have much else to report. My life isn't very exciting, but it's satisfying enough right now. For today. And what more can you ask for. I guess I could be greedy and ask for much more, but that was really meant as a rhetorical question. k.

wunderwuman at

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