
Settling In

I guess I owe an update.

The trip was relaxing and warm, which was just what we needed. Leila was slightly disrupted by the trip (or knowing that we were in limbo house-wise? or missing Steve?) and pooped her pants every single day from start to end, including on the plane, but I tried to roll with the punches and remember that so much of children's development is two steps forward, one step back and that she was upset by something she couldn't quite verbalize.

It's good to be home, although there is SO much to do. We started hanging pictures last night, the girls rooms are half unpacked (hoping to finish them today) and mine is an absolute disaster. Living space is tolerable, but consturction continues in the basement, so we are constantly battling drywalling dust and the extra furniture that will go down once it's finished (I'm hoping three more weeks, max?) And then there's the cleaning to do. I scrubbed the (filthy) kitchen before the movers arrived so we could unpack dishes and pots, and the bathrooms have been scrubbed twice each, but still maintain an air of dirty, so they will need to be done again. Windowsills are filthy, floors will take many moppings, as grime seems to be ground into the ceramic tile, and then maybe we'll get into the yard. We have grand plans, but neither the time nor money to do too much this summer.

I joined a gym with a daycare, so I'll get to go for a run tomorrow. The sun has come out today, so we'll go for a walk after nap today. All in all, it's a beautiful house and we're so happy to be here, it just needs some time.

We also went to the (awesome!) library this morning and found out about some reading groups. Not sure where I can find out about other playgroups, but the local WW meeting is at a church of our denomination so hopefully through there, and hopefully we can get back into going to church which we haven't done regularily since Leila was born. Alena's old enough to go to the nursery now without one of us, and Leila loves Sunday School every time she goes with my parents, so I'd really like to get back to it this summer.

It's nap time now, so I'm going to try to get some cleaning done (maybe outside since it's so nice??) while the house is quiet.

wunderwuman at 12:14 p.m.

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