
Grumble Grumble

Did our final walkthrough on our new house yesterday... except he took the swingset that was in the back yard (and in the offer), still has a bunch of garbage in the house and hasn't gotten the septic tank pumped. Not only that, he flew off the handle at Steve and threatened to put the house back on the market when we said we would hold back $2000 until the septic tank was taken care of. Which is a totally not acceptable, and yes, we would take him to court over that.

One girl is just getting over a nasty cold, the other seems to be coming down with it, and this morning from four o'clock on, was me laying in bed with a fevered Leila until she settled, then leaving and laying down with Alena because she had woken up, then she'd sleep and repeat process until seven. Also, Alena is not only completely disinterested in the boob (now that she's feeling better, it was a mighty different story five days ago), but doesn't even have time to waste on the likes of me while there's wriggling on the floor in a frusterated attempt to crawl to be done!

Anyway, I could use a good vacation, or at least a good night's sleep.

P>Speaking of vacation however, we're headed to Florida in ten days and I am very excited, and hoping that these girls are healthy and no one's sinuses are all clogged up for the plane (including mine, since I'm next on the list to get sick).

I could ramble on , but I'm tired and Alena's yelling and banging puzzle pieces together on the floor while Leila watches cartoons and I need another cup of tea and so here the day will be spent at my parent's house, and we can't even go outside because I forgot their toques and mitts in Halifax yesterday and it's -12C SIIIIIIGGGGGHHHHHH.

The good news, is my dad is taking a late lunch so I can go for a run when the girls nap this afternoon. So, yeah, I'll update again later.

wunderwuman at 8:04 a.m.

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