
Nursing Strike, Teeth, Worst Doctor Ever

So the doctor's office has been closed for various unstated reasons for almost two weeks. The voicemail keeps changing, and yet I never get a callback. Alena is behind on her shots, Leila is still horribly rashy (although I have no faith that the dr will come up with any viable solution and am seriously considering a naturopath once we get to Halifax but I feel that it is my mothering responsibility to have her looked at) and (most alarmingly) my birth control is up and I need some new stuff and I mean fast cause ahhhhh wow another baby is not what I need right now. Aaand, Steve is unable to leave work any day this week so it means a trip by myself with both girls (one of whom is deathly afraid of the doctor and starts screaming horrible break-glass screams as soon as the doctor comes near) which is stressful enough plus, hey! let's talk about my vagina and sex life while trying to control one child per arm. Most likely someone will poop, both will need to be on-lap the entire visit and uhhhhhh, I'm just dreading it.

Also? I need a dentist visit like yesterday.

Anyhoo... the race draws nearer and Saturday is already looming with a 20k run. Possibly an inlaw visit on Sunday if they are available, younger brother and Spanish gf are booking flights to come and visit at the end of Feb, which is exciting, because I love my brother and have never met her. She came over about a month ago, and my brother is typically male, has never talked much about gf's, let alone asked any of us to meet them, but gushes about V, and talks about The One. So. It's big.

No movement on the house yet (SIGH), it's been a month. Steve thinks (and I hope) that by the end of Feb it will be gone. We've decided to wait until March 1 to start exploring other options (like a crap load of financing, which is a horribly frightening thought for me), but he leaves the military in less than two months (weee!!!!) and well, we need a place to live on the other end.

Alena finally teethed, the two bottom ones are through. She spent a day biting me which was fairly painful. The first time, I said ,"Hey! Don't bite!" the second was a serious chomp and I had to pry my nipple out of her mouth and looked her in the eyes and said very sternly No. Biting. She of course wailed. It happened a few times that day, and for the next two, she would barely nurse! She eats at least six times a day still, and for those days, most times I offered her, she turned her head away. She still got four (big!) meals of milk in, and I thought she might be spreading out her feedings, but when she went back to her regular schedule yesterday, I realized she was having a little Nursing Strike, which kind of made me chuckle and appreciate this little girl's spirit.

Nothing else is new, other than my payment for my online course went through, so that means the materials will be on their way to me soon. And this frigidly cold weather is making me a little shack whacky, or maybe it's being at home with the girls, but I asked a friend out to dinner next week and am really hoping she can go, as I could use a night away for a couple of hours.

Also, keep your fingers crossed that we won $43M this weekend, we haven't checked the lotto ticket yet...

wunderwuman at 1:32 p.m.

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