
2008 Re-Cap

Haven't gotten around to locking yet, but probably by the end of the week... I liked this idea, so here is the first sentence of the first entry of each month last year:

January: First Entry in 08! A quick one but I just want to say that this kid moves like crazy and I'm only 21 weeks.

February: I often get a bath after Leila goes to bed and often it is my favourite time of the day.

March: It's definately in like a lion this year, we've been smacked with another snowstorm.

April: Remember how I've been complaining about BH and vaginal fluid and loose bowels and nesting and all of these Labour is APPROACHING symptoms?

May: The weekend with my parents was great.

June: Well. We've made it past the first week. I've been exhausted and emotional, but also happy and feeling good. I miss Leila rabidly at times, and can now completely understand the women who tandem nurse.

July: Today is officially the day I have started trying to get back in shape.

August: Back from a vacation that was, in a word, very relaxing although I couldn't be happier to be home.

September: Quick update to say thank heavens for apple sauce, because Leila has survived on it for the past few days.

October: Steve got offered a managerial position with a local grocery store. He put his military release in this morning.

November: Things are infinately better... no sleep mixed with a hormonal week (seriously, I think I need a new type of pill, I'm not fit to be with one week of every month and it's getting old) left me feeling... blah.

December: Firstly, oh my wow, how is it December?

I have so much to write about and so much to say but I'm worried that someone will stumble upon this diary and then I'll have said too much. I'm worried about my mother and my brother, I have left over Christmas venting to do, Steve's back to work, the house is going on the market this afternoon and I'm running a half marathon in one month. So, when I get some, you know, time... I'll get around to locking and a good long vent.

wunderwuman at 1:29 p.m.

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