
December 19 will be bittersweet

December 19 is Leila's last day at daycare. I'm bittersweet, and very much hate goodbyes so I try to avoid them as much as possible.

I feel so grateful to the teachers at this daycare, they seem to really care about the kids. There are two or three, spanning from the "Baby Room" to the "Two's" that have been special to Leila. Leila started at that daycare two weeks after she learned to walk. They have watched her grow from a chubby thighed baby who stumbled around to the active, confident little girl she is today. They've rocked her when she's cried, given her thousands of kisses and tucked her in for countless naps. They've signed accident reports and given Tylenol, they've played and laughed and sang songs with her. They've helped me through a second child, the days after sleepless nights. And so I'm sad to say goodbye, in a way.

I was thinking of giving some of her teachers Christmas presents, as a thank you, for all they do, and now I really would like to do something for them. But what? I don't want to spend much money, but want something that says thank you for a thousand different reasons. And should I give something to all of them, or just to the ones she has a special bond with? What do you guys think?

Edited to add: I wrote a while ago about starting a fitness blog... I finally got off my butt and did it. My goal is a once a week update. I'll be focusing on my WW journey and my running goals and achievements. Come check me out!!

wunderwuman at 11:10 a.m.

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