
Six Month Letter

Dear Alena,
Today, you are six months old. You weigh fourteen pounds and can *almost* sit on your own. You're in the 96 percentile for length, but only the 30th for weight. My mom says you're wiry, you're long and lean. But your thighs still have rolls on them, and your cheeks are still round.

I can't believe it was six moths ago that you were born. I was so scared that I wouldn't be a good mother to you, it was so hard when Leila was born, I didn't know how I could do it again, and take care of a toddler at the same time. I was worried that I didn't have enough love to give you.
As you laid on the delivery table, not even a second old, I held my breath. For the longest second of my life, you didn't cry. And then, from your furrowed, squished self, came the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. Your wail, and they passed you to me, before the cord was even cut and I cried and cried because I had never seen anything so beautiful as you. And there wasn't a moment of doubt, that I loved you more than I ever imagined I would.

Leila came, the next day, with Daddy to see you. She was so excited, we had been talking about you for a few months. She was in awe of you, too. She touched your fingers and your toes, pulled off your hat and touched your hair. As time went on, you became more aware of the world around you, and Leila got your first smile.

Now, you are halfway through your first year, and I can't believe how fast time has gone. It seems like just yesterday you needed to be swaddled and rocked and bounced all evening long. It seems like just a moment ago, I was watching you open your eyes, trying for a hard fought smile. You laugh now, almost all the time. You love cereal mixed with apple sauce, carrots mixed with peas and prunes mixed with pears. Your eyes light up every time you see your Dad or your sister, and you laugh as Leila jumps around the room. And every morning at five, you call for me, in your soft little way, Ehhhhhh...ehhhhhhhh.ehhhhhhh and when you see me, you kick your legs and smile. I nurse you then, and for a moment you're happy to sit with me, in the darkened room.

You are beautiful, and unique. You are strong and determined. You are everything I could have hoped for, and more.
love, your mama


And now:

wunderwuman at 9:46 a.m.

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