
Down 20 pounds!

House viewing went well, they liked it a lot, but went with a new construction in another part of town in a neighbourhood where their friends live. Real estate lady said the house showed well, which was good since we spent two days scrubbing the darn thing. Anyway, back to the waiting game as we're not putting it on MLS until January, and I doubt anyone is going to buying or even looking over te next six weeks.

In other news, I lost 3,2lbs since my last weigh in, which brings me to a grand total of 20.4lbs down! Needless to say, I'm feeling more motivated about WW again, and have realized I'm lacking protein in my snacks hence feeling unsatisfied. Also, I'm less than a pound away from my healthy weight range. The Leader told me to think about a goal weight, and while I am worried about putting too much emphasis on a number, I'm thinking 135lbs. It's only another six pounds, which is realistic since I am continually upping my kms each week. But in even more exciting news, I tried on three suits I bought in... 2005 and for the first time since pregnant with Leila, they fit! So I am officially in my pre-pre-pregnancy clothes, which really, means much more than the numbers do. :)

Anyway, Alena has responded well to solids. Loves apple sauce, quite fond of squash and carrots but wasn't too sure what to make of peas. I bought some bottles of food to see what she liked before I made batches of my own (a lesson I learned the hard way with Leila) and I think she'll like peas that I make, because the bottled ones taste like canned peas. Anyway, we're headed to the grocery store this afternoon once Steve gets home from work (I have not yet managed to get two kids to the grocery store, get the weekly order, and get home without someone crying, yelling, throwing a temper tantrum or ending up completely frazzled, sweaty and needing a time out of my own) and I'll get some more veggies for her.

She is completely refusing to nap this afternoon, and when I finally had enough and went to get her from her crib, she saw me and beamed a bright smile. She's now sitting in her chair babbling and chewing on her thumb. It could be the two bright spots on her cheeks that mean teething, it could be the fact she hasn't pooped in three days and keeps grunting, but whatever seems to be making her not be able to fall asleep doesn't seem to be affecting her mood right now.

wunderwuman at 1:27 p.m.

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