
Showing the house tomorrow

We spent the weekend rushing to finish our laundry room renos, since our real estate agent has people coming in to look at the house tomorrow morning (I told you she was on the ball). We also cleaned like mad people yesterday, and the house has never looked better. She told us that the family coming to look is torn between our house and another that is slightly smaller, but with a double garage (we have a single) and larger yard. The selling point is that we are *way* closer to the base (which they want) and live in a great neighbourhood with lots of kids. She thinks we have a really good chance at selling it. They are looking for a Feb closing date, and if this works out, things couldn't be more perfect.

Booster shots today for Alena, who seems to be the incredible shrinking woman. Her weight has dipped below the 50%. The doctor encouraged more solids (she's been having cereal for about a month) and a weight re-check in a month. I'm not overly concerned, and really not surprised, since I can tell she's growing, but just doesn't have that plumped out look of a six month old (or at least what six month olds look like in my mind... Leila was a chubby one after all). Leila's weight dipped as well, but not until about nine months. Anyway, Alena is only 14lbs, but still in the 96% for height. Also, she showed me today that she is very much her father's daughter (which I suspected) and didn't even cry when she got her needles. As a child, Steve was plagued by ear infections, and his mother and grandmother (who helped raise him) could only tell he had one when he tugged on his ear while he was eating. I guess they were pretty bad, but he never cried or fussed. To this day, he has a really high pain tolerance. I've thought that Alena might be quite like him for a while now, since she has this little light of determination that shines through in her emerging personality, and I really couldn't believe she didn't cry.

I have my WW meeting tomorrow night and I'm nervous, since I had a big gain two weeks ago (it was cancelled last week due to Remberance Day). I've been pretty good but not super strict. Quite frankly, I'm sick of watching what I eat, sick of writing it down, sick of counting points and sick of the fact that I feel like I'll never be able to enjoy a piece of cake or pie or bowl of ice cream or piece of greasy pizza or Christmas fruit cake without dreading the consequence on the scale. I'm jealous that Steve can eat whatever he wants and not gain weight and although I know I'm not supposed to look at it this way, I feel like I've been on a diet for five months. I'm *so* close to being in my healthy weight range, and I am *so* tempted to throw in the towel, settle for how I look now and screw WW and getting a lifetime membership, who cares about five measly pounds. Trudge on I will, though, and hope that there is no gain tomorrow night, because it's very discouraging.

In running news, I did 12 (maybe 12.5) kms on Saturday, and I was really dreading it, but it wasn't so bad. I've decided to stick with my training plan of running a half marathon in February, so next weekend will be around 13 or 14 kilometres for my long run. I don't know what this mental block I've come up against is exactly (seriously... my kingdom for some Smarties), but I've decided to add some weight training into the mix of things and focus on a half-marathon, and even though I will go through ups and downs on the WW scale (two steps forward, one step back, right?), a focus of fitness helps me stay motivated, keeps me strong and most importantly, helps me be able to look at myself naked in the mirror without too critical of an eye.

One more thing, I went to my first Fantasia party on Saturday night, and while I wasn't sure what to expect, and didn't really know most of the women there, after a few jokes everybody loosened up and it was so much fun! I didn't realize that there was such a big selection of lotions and massage oils and non-sex-toys. Anyway, I ended up spending a crap load of money, but so far, it all seems to have been worth it.

Alena is napping so I have to scrub out the bathtub and clean off the bathroom counters. Tonight after the girls are in bed, we'll run the vacuum again, clean the supper mess out of the kitchen and keep our fingers crossed that they really like our house and want to buy it!

wunderwuman at 2:34 p.m.

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