
Quick Update and Headed to NS *Again*

So a dissapointing Tuesday WW meeting, I ended up gaining 2.5lbs last week. :( I was really surprised when I stepped on the scale and saw the number, but when I remembered the two pieces of pie with ice cream, the two restaurant burgers, and a various Halloween chocolate bars I ate... well, I guess it shouldn't have been that big of a shock. That said, I did run almost 25 kms last week alone, so that fact that I simply don't have the metabolism to eat whatever I want regardless of my activity levels makes me a little sad. Anyway, I instated a lock-down for the next two weeks, no cheating for me. There is no meeting next week due to Remberance Day, so my goal is to have the 2.5lbs in two weeks time, the next time I get weighed.

Our house has been fighting off a bug and we are headed to Nova Scotia tomorrow (seriously, we get sick *every* time we go there... I called my mom yesterday and told her to stock up on Vitamin C because we had germs in tow), to Halifax for a weekend of house hunting! And then on Monday we are headed to my parent's house, as this is Steve's last Remberance Day in uniform (!!!) and he wants to attend the ceremony at home. Depending on the weather (which is always, always completely miserable) the girls will or won't come, and I may leave them with my parents so Steve and I can go to the Legion afterwards for a beer anyway.

We have a full day planned on Saturday and are dragging the girls along in the morning, but my good friend is watching them for us in the afternoon (while they nap, mostly) so we can jam a few more views in. Then we're going out for dinner with her as a thank you.

Also, I have a real estate questions for you... the agent who worked for us when we bought our house seems... fairly slack. He wants us to list the house for less than we were planning, and he doesn't seem to have an aggressive plan of attack (or any plan at all) to sell the house. So Steve called a different agent with a different company and explained the situation to her. We don't want to offend anyone, but she is way more on the ball, had a much more realistic asking price in mind and already has people lined up to view houses in our town in January and would put ours on their list. She is also willing to offer us a considerably lower percentage for her fees. She said it happens often that people sell with a different company than they bought with... Anyway, I think we're going to switch companies, which I thought was a huge taboo, but Steve and the new agent don't seem to think so. In the end, we want to sell the house for a good price and as fast as possible.

Anyway, both girls are napping and I am puttering away at laundry and getting the house fairly clean before we leave tomorrow. My stomach has been doing back flips all day, Steve has been nauseous and Steve and Leila have both been sweating out a mild fever for a couple of days and both girls are running from their noses. I either dodged the bullet or am next on the list. I've been washing my hands hourly and after every nose wipe, which has resulted in very dry hands but I am really hoping I don't get this bug, especially since it's the worst being sick at someone else's house.

Alright, I'll update next week if anything interesting comes from our house hunting trip. Oh yeah, and I have an appointment on Wednesday with the dermatologist who removed a mole on the back of my neck last week with the biopsy results. He was fairly upfront that it was just cautionary and there is nothing really to worry about, so I'm not concerned. I'd rather not go alone, but it's either go by myself, or with Steve and the two girls. So alone it is.

Must run, need to maximize on baby sleeping time.

wunderwuman at 1:01 p.m.

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