
Feeling *Much* Better

Things are infinately better... no sleep mixed with a hormonal week (seriously, I think I need a new type of pill, I'm not fit to be with one week of every month and it's getting old) left me feeling... blah.

Long run on a cool day with my pup while the girls were being taken care of by sitters... and it was the first time I've left Alena that I haven't worried about her the *whole* time, so that's progress, right? :)

Tomorrow is WW, I have so far lost 19.6lbs, sooo close to 20lbs and very very close to my healthy weight range! If I stay at my healthy weight range for six weeks, I get a lifetime membership. That was my long-term goal from the beginning, and I'm feeling optimistic that it's very much within reach now. And my secret goal was to do it before Christmas, which is also seeming attainable.

Night weaning is going well, we've had three good nights in a row. The first night she woke every three hours, as per usual, and settled within twenty minutes. I fed her at four. The next night, she slept until four and then I fed her (I wouldn't have because it was actually three but I forgot about the time change, but anyway) and last night she slept until three and I fed her at four. So it's been gentle for her, and therefor easier for me. And go figure, three nights of a decent amount of sleep and I'm feeling like a new me.

I am also planning on getting the bulk of my Christmas shopping done this week. I had originally planned to leave Alena at the Casual Child Care this morning and get it done, then I revamped my plan to head to a coffee shop for an hour with my book, but this morning was so bright and crisp and my legs felt so ready to go, I scratched the coffee shop plan and went for a leisurely run with Milo on the trail where she can be off-leash.

Anyway, babe is sleeping and the shower is calling and while I'm still happy inside from the running high and feel like just wasting time, I should shower and put away some laundry. Also, all my best intentions of tackling clutter during the day have been laid to rest as I just don't have the time to get it done, so Steve and I have nixed our unspoken rule that work stops once the girls are in bed and have decided to do a half an hour of work each night together to get the house ready to put on the market. Last night I primed a wall that will be painted in our laundry room while Steve filled some holes with putty and that foamy stuff that grows to fit the hole.

Alright, I must run and stop rambling, I am sweaty and stinky and gross from my run.

wunderwuman at 12:06 p.m.

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