
Blah and Blobby

Both girls are napping right now, which is a much needed break everyday come 1:00.

There is a chicken in the oven for supper, potatoes and carrots washed, cut and sitting in pots in water on the stove waiting to be turned on.

We talked to our real estate agent last week, brought him through the house. We're going to officially list it in the New Year, but told him to bring by any potential buyers beforehand. It's resulted in us starting to majorly de-clutter so that if someone were to come, all that needs to be done would be a quick vaccuum and dust. I worked on the hall closet this morning. And there was laundry and normal tidying, the things that never end. I wanted to go for a run, but the closet took too long and I was just feeding Alena as Steve came home. There's only enough time for me to go if I'm ready to go out the door as he walks through, so the plan is now for after work. Which, blah. Also, Weight Watchers tonight, and also, blah because I didn't pay much attention to what I was eating this week.

Alena has been sleeping like crap, and by listening to a little voice in my head in the middle of the night last night, changed her from cotton to fleece jammies... what do you know, she slept the rest of the night. So I kind of feel like a major jerk, wondering why she wasn't sleeping and grumbling about it, thinking of night weaning and she was just cold. Unlike Leila who is a furnace and would sweat with undershirts or fleece jammies, my mothering needs to be tweaked for number 2.

Friends of mine just had a boy two days ago, Caden James and it's got me all emotional and blubbery about no boy for us, because two is enough. It feels a third would mean a commitment from me not to have a career and that's not something I'm willing to sacrifice. But still, little blue sleepers, sigh. Blah.

Anyway, feeling kind of mushy and blobby today, but nothing that a run won't take care of, I'm sure.

wunderwuman at 1:18 p.m.

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