
Moments of my Life

The thing with Leila is that she is as stubborn as the day is long. The more you try to rush her, the more she digs in her heels and it always ends in a locking of figurative horns. Today she was being sooooooo pokey on the way out the door. Alena was protesting being in her car seat and I was tired and frustrated, so I picked her up under my arm and marched to the car. She HOWLED and very indignantly told me that she was daddy's baby not Mommy's sack of potatoes.

Yesterday when I got her out of bed, she had pooped in her diaper. I told her that she should stop pooping in it and just call for me and I'll take her to the toilet. It's not so yucky feeling, I said, when you poop in the potty. You like it? she asked. Well, yes, I like pooping in the potty. You really like poop? Not really Leila, Mommy you really like poop!! Feels nice! Sigh.

Household is stuffed up again, including Alena. I have a sore throat and Leila is coughing. Let's just hope that it's only a little bug and not a bad virus like last time. As far as I'm concerned, the outlook for this (projected to be bitterly cold) winter is runny noses, disrupted sleep, trapped in the house, shack whacky. Blah. I wish it stayed fall until it turned to spring. Before I had kids, I loved winter and didn't even mind the cold, lately I find myself contemplating a move to the west coast until the girls are old enough not to be housebound by anything colder than -10.

Steve is on his way home and should be here by supper. Must go tidy as I didn't have time to do squat this weekend.

wunderwuman at 10:43 a.m.

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