
Feeling more positive

I'm feeling much better about the whole sleep situation today. Last night was still long, but instead of dreading the wakings, I told myself it would be a long night and that I would be patient.

She woke three or four times, but I only fed her twice, settling her back to sleep easily the other times. I suspected she wasn't hungry, but just waking to spend time with me. I bought Sleep Solutions by Ann Douglas (whose series of books I love and find very helpful) and have realized I wasn't paying close enough attention to her sleepy cues during the day. She's just waking up from her first (hour long!) nap, so here's hoping this is indicative to the rest of the day.

MIL is coming tomorrow to watch Alena while I take Leila to swimming lessons, and I'm hoping on squeezing in a run while she's here too. Sunday is National Farm Day so a friend and I are taking our kids to a local Dairy Farm, which should be really fun, since Leila is totally into animals and noises and playing with her toy farm lately.

I haven't been following WW as strictly this week to see if it seems to affect my milk supply and Alena's sleep. I had been block feeing during the night and pumping the other side in the mornings so that Steve could give a bottle after supper, but I think that was part of the problem, she just wasn't satisfied with one breast. Anyway, I must run. Lots to be done!

wunderwuman at 10:07 a.m.

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