
Feeling Better

So, they found the car last night via GPS and said it was so deep in the woods, no one would have even stumbled across it. Tractor pulled it out far enough for the tow truck and amazingly, it looks like only a little surface damage. It's at the RCMP station being fingerprinted and stuff, and we'll get it back soon. We'll have to have it painted and the suspension and everything checked and we'll have the locks physically changed, since they never did find the keys. Turns out the person they think is doing these things around town is freshly out of jail and on a bender. Also, completely disregards the law at every chance and the saddest thing? He's only 18, and somebody's baby. And so (foolishly, perhaps?) I prayed for that poor boy, because it's scary that people can get onto those paths and can't get off. In any case, I feel much better now that things are getting resolved.

Also, thanks for the notes about folic acid. I told my mom and she said that all three of us had spine dimples and she thought it was just normal and was surprised when I said Leila didn't have one. So that also made me relax because, phew, it's common and not scary anymore.

We test drove a Camry Hybrid this morning, which resulted in Alena being in her chair most of the day so far. So right now she is snoozing in her Moby Wrap, so yay for that. It feels a little... weird, but she likes it and I think I just have to figure out the details of tying it properly. Also, *way* better than typing with one hand. :)

I've been meaning to leave comments for people but, uhh just seriously don't have any time to myself, except the seemingly luxurious 10 minutes for a hot shower. I haven't even had a bath yet. Bah. Anyway.

So yes, things feel much better today, and I even slept in until nine (thank you Alena!).

wunderwuman at 3:23 p.m.

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