
Looking through a fog

Hi. So. Turns out having a newborn is more tiring and all consuming than I remembered. Also, two kids keeps me busy and sleepy.

Things are going great, though the nipples are quite sore. Milk is aplenty, and Alena has switched from one little feed every three or four hours to eating at least every two hours and then clustering from about nine til one in the morning.

My parents are here today and while they play with Leila and Alena drifts into a milk coma, I should really be showering but wanted to update quickly.

The birth went well, although shockingly fast (I expected another long to-do, much like Leila's) and while I am still sore, crampy and generally looking at the world through a foggy cloud, I feel healthy. No stiches or tears also makes a huge difference (see: peeing is not quite so scary), although last night a powerful sneeze definately made me cringe.

Anyway, the shower and my toothbrush are calling, as is a potential slow walk around the block, because while I'm trying to take it easy, I'm starting to get a little restless. Unfortunately, it's turning into mosquito season, and one thing that New Brunswick has a lot of is big, fat mosquitos. More again in a few days.

wunderwuman at 10:42 a.m.

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