
Random Thoughts

A few random things:

My mom was a maternity nurse in the 70's and 80's (eventually, she stopped to stay at home with us) and while that has made her an awesome resource during my pregnancies, since she's helped birth hundreds of babies, it also makes her info a little out of date. Like her praise of enemas. Seriously. My dad had abdominal surgery a couple years ago and she was totaly disapproving that he didn't get an enema. Also, she swears that the way to "really get things going" is a good old fashioned enema with hot, soapy water. It's actually a running joke between Steve and I, these enema comments.

When I was pregnant with Leila, I developed an obsession with watching A Baby Story and Bringing Home Baby on TLC. And seriously, the obsession rages on as strongly as ever. I cry every. single. time. I watch a Baby Story. Other guilty pleasures? The Last Ten Pounds Bootcamp and X-Weighted. Oh! They're horrible, I know, but I love them!

Tomorrow is my due date, and let's take a poll: Who thinks my kid will be one of the 5% who are actually born on their dates? Who thinks she'll wait until the 19 and be born on our anniversary? And who thinks she'll wait even longer? My OB appt is Thursday, and the (ever anxious) doctors will start talking induction, which they like to do "between 41 and 41 and a half weeks." I have mixed feelings about it, because I want to let it happen on it's own, but also, uhhhhhhh I want to get the baby out soon! So anyway, there are a lot of questions and conversations that need taking place, and since my appointment is on a Thursday, I figure they'll want to schedule me for the following week. If I can get them to wait until I'm at least 41 and a half weeks (seriously, why do my kids stay inside for SO LONG?!), I figure I'll go naturally before then. But I need to find out if they'll start with pitocin right away, or break my water, and also will they ultrasound to see if the fluid level is still good and high before they break it? (which I doubt since it takes weeks and weeks to get in even for a high priority ultrasound in this town). Anyway, blah.

Steve and Leila are both napping. I am dying to blab about the baby's name, but we said we would keep it a secret until she was born. Also, I have been sooo crampy lately, and I feel like, ok cramps, either turn into labour or go the hell away!! I actually feel like I'm going to start my period any moment. Which brings me to the point that I haven't actually had a period since August 2005 (pre-conception with Leila). Nuts, eh?

Steve and I were talking about how it's a little crazy that the first egg I ovulated after Leila was born (at 15 months), was this baby. He said it's because God gave us these babies. And in a nutshell, that's why I love him. Not because he believes in God, persay (although I think it makes it easier to be with someone when you both have the same spiritual beliefs), but because we both recogonize what a gift and blessing our children are.

Must eat now. As always, hopefully the next time I update I'll either be in labour or have a new babe. (who I keep dreaming about as a boy, btw!)

wunderwuman at 10:05 a.m.

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