
Update: Feeling Good

2 - 3 cms, very soft cervix, but still only 50% efface. I feel that nothing more will change until labour begins. After being told that I'll probably hold on for another week and the subsiquent tears (silly, I know!) I've decided to try to be more optimistic. I've forgotten to mention that Monday is our one-year anniversary! And a holiday! And the funny thing is, if I go more than three days overdue, this new baby will be a Gemini along with Leila and I. I told Steve to prepare himself, because three Gemini women just might drive him crazy.

I had a coffee date today, and I am looking forward to my nap this afternoon, a day with Leila tomorrow and Steve's day off on Friday, which leaves us with a four day weekend. Labour would be nice, but as my mom reminded me, it's like leaving the pie in the oven for ten more minutes, just to brown up the top. She's just not quite done cooking.

PS: Doctor said baby felt about 7.5lbs, so this might be a breeze compared to Leila!

wunderwuman at 1:41 p.m.

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