
Will winter ever end?

Sometimes I get this little tingling in my brain that I know Leila won't make it through daycare that day. Or like tonight, that I think she's going to have a restless and wakeful night. Call it Mother's Intuition, or chalk it up to the fact that I'm pretty darn sure (judging by diarrhea, yes, again, diaper rash and drooling) that she's working on her two-year-old-molars, or that she wailed through the bedtime routine and then fell asleep in my arms (she usually gives a quick hug and then points to her crib and says eh neye). I'm right a little more than half the time.

I've also been feeling really clingy to both her and Steve lately. I've chalked it up to my hormones and wanting the reassurance of my family nearby, but I haven't felt this protective and clutchy of Leila in a long time. We are heading to Halifax next weekend and leaving the dog and girl with Steve's mom, and while most of me realizes how much Steve and I need this time alone and oh wow I am sooooooo looking forward to sleeping in and eating supper after six (gasp), part of me is dreading leaving Leila for three days. Because what if something happens??

Anyway, weekend was non-eventful. Steve went snowboarding, I have been absolutely wiped out for three days and we had another ice storm today. And if I didn't work on the clock, I'm pretty sure I'd call in sick to work tomorrow and send Leila to daycare and spend the day reading and lazing around.

wunderwuman at 7:33 p.m.

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