
Pink is the colour of Passion

I went to a dissapointing playgroup today, it wasn't what I had hoped for. I came home and fed Leila lunch, put her down for her nap and was completely prepared to spend the rest of the day moping and teary, but Steve ended up getting the afternoon off. So instead of feeling lonely and out of place, I ended up cuddled next to him while the whole family napped, and then tea at the park while Milo chased balls and Leila laughed and clapped. There was a drive just for the heck of it, pizza for supper, and this nice feeling of, at least we're only here for another year.

He's decided to put in his release papers in October, and leave the military by spring. We are tenitavely planning a move back to Halifax, back to the ocean, back to the places where we both feel at home. And after a day like today, where I felt like an outsider, where I truly felt how closed this city can be to new people, where the women of boys spewed garbage about teaching girls strong morals and oh god, wearing pink is so awful (while Leila ran around in a pink shirt and jeans) but no one thought to question about the boys who were making all of the Spiderman action figures fight and hit, and I was flabergasted that these highly educated women, University Professors some of them, were so set on the colour pink and Disney Princess that they couldn't see that raising children to be both strong and nurturing (regardless of their gender) has little to do with the colour shorts they wear.


wunderwuman at 7:01 p.m.

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