
Random Monday night update

I had a great weekend, and Leila completely thought that Amanda was the best thing ever and proceeded to maul her the entire time.

I sent Leila to daycare today and went to my two minute prenatal. I'm not kidding. The doctor came in and said This has to be quick (which is never isn't, anyway), took my BP, measured, FHR etc. I actually had to ask her to go back and check the ultrasound and bloodwork she had sent me for. Sigh. At least everything is going well, and baby is measuring at 25cms at 26 weeks. Leila was always spot on, so it will be interesting to see how their size compares.

My hips have been so sore. I made sure to do yoga today, and although I had a couple shorter, slower walks the last few days, I didn't get out today, due to the fact that it was howling ice and snow and I was too busy reading my new book in bed for most of the morning.

I was planning on heading to NS on Wednesday afternoon, although just found out we are supposed to have bad weather Wednesday and Thursday, so I am kind of grudgingly contemplating going tomorrow. I have stuff I'd like to do around here (reading in bed included) and being away from home for more than a couple days has lately become more and more unappealing.

Anyhoo, I am off to google about hip pain and what the heck I can do about it besides warm baths, yoga and walking and eat from the pan of brownines I made.

Also, when I asked, doctor said that baby was head down, but I am suspicious of this because she had her hands on my stomach for all of three seconds and didn't seem to probe or really feel at all and because I've been getting these weird kicks down very low in my pelvis, including my bladder at times, which is a very, very weird sensation. Kind of like a cross between ticklish and going to leak pee.

wunderwuman at 6:35 p.m.

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