
On the mend, I think

You know that somebody loves you when they will sit beside you as you get sick, rubbing your back, or not whatever you are dicatating. And then hug you as you sob and then pick you up and carry you to bed, make sure you always have a glass of water and bring you home ginger ale. That said, I have kept everything down since about three this morning, but still feel weak, shaky, sore, and basically exhausted. I am running a bath right now and need to wash my sheets. I avoided Leila like the plauge last night, closing the door to my room and crying as she called Mama? Mama? But I just cannot spread this to her. I think the worst of it has passed and though I really want to stay home tomorrow and Saturday, I think I will probably have to go to work.

wunderwuman at 12:47 p.m.

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