
A weekend away, hurray!

Did I mention that yesterday was the first day of day care? And that Leila cried and called for me to come back as I left? But that she was the happiest little girl when we went to pick her up and played outside with us for the rest of the day, climbing and crawling all over the yard? She woke up this morning with a big smile on her face and pee-drenched pjs.

I am off to get her soon, and then in a few hours, I will take a plane to Kitchener for the weekend. Part of me feels like I just got back, turned around twice (cleaned the house) and I am off again, and I guess that is true, but it does not stop me from being excited for the weekend.

I am getting referred to a new OBGYN, the doctor was very optimistic about us conceiving again, and when I questioned a time limit, she said that six to eight months would not make any difference in the world. Which is what I really wanted to hear because if our only chance for another child was to start TTC right now, we would both agree to do it, but in the grand scheme of things, I would like to get in enough time at work to get maternity leave, minimum. And I would really like to go to Africa in February.

So anyway, there is all that stuff, but mostly, I am just excited about the weekend. I cleaned the whole house yesterday and did a ton of laundry, packed this morning and threw a casserole in the slow cooker for Steve and Leila tonight for supper. I am leaving a clean, laundry-free house, what are the odds I will come back to one? Judging by Steves extreme dislike of doing laundry, not very high. And now I am off to get my baby girl.

wunderwuman at 1:43 p.m.

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