
All for the sake of a memory

Leila is getting to the stage that if the food offered on her tray is not quite perfect, she will reject it and then wail in desperation. Right now, she is happily shovelling macaroni into her mouth.

I made a clay imprint of her hand this morning, and while she was inexplicably afraid of the yellow clay and screamed bloody murder while I forcefully mashed her hand into it all in an attempt to make a nice memory (oy), it turned out pretty cute.

I called our babysitter to come over this morning while I went for a long-ass run, an hour and twenty minutes to be precise. And oh, my blistered feet and ever-so-tired legs that feel like lead, but it was a good run and once Leila is done eating her lunch we are going to drive the loop to see how far it actually was. And if it was not at least 10k, I think I quit.

wunderwuman at 12:24 p.m.

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