
A quickie

Ten facts about me you may not have known.

1. My favourite flavour of ice cream is vanilla.
2. I hate cantelope.
3. I wear my socks inside out when I run because it makes me less prone to get blisters.
4. I am left-handed.
5. I went on a tour of a daycare that Leila will go to starting September 5.
6. I am headed back to work on October 1
7. Even though my grandmother has been dead for 12 years, I still miss her.
8. When I run on the treadmill, I do intervals because it makes the time go faster.
9. I am speanding a long weekend in September in Kitchener with my best friend and we are way overdue for this visit.
10. When I think of another child, sometimes I worry that I will actually not be physically able to love them as much as I love Leila.

wunderwuman at 10:36 a.m.

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