
These ghosts of you

I have been making an effort to be a little more social lately. When we first moved here, I was so busy planning the wedding, and then it was Leilas birthday and then I just wanted to relax and not run around for a few weeks and I told myself that I was really enjoying our quiet days. And then I saw one of my friends from Kingston who has moved to the same town as my parents and she asked me how things were and before I could stop myself, I told her that I was lonely here.

I was a little embarrassed of myself, because I like to keep a closer reign on my feelings than blabbing them to anyone who will listen, but then I realized that I was really lonely. And that talking to my mom on the phone for an hour every morning and jumping at every opportunity to go visit her were perhaps indicative of this. So last weekend I decided that I had lived around naptime long enough and Leila and I were going to make it to some morning playgroups this week. We went yesterday morning, and while there were the required (and expected) annoying, over stressed mothers there, there were also a couple of seemingly nice women and we gabbed about birth and nursing, future babies, eating problems, poop, and basically all things baby. I had a really good time, and plan on going every Monday morning, and perhaps Friday afternoons (which is French and therefore a little scary).

I have also been running regularly again, which is really the first time I have since last fall. It feels good and I am happier, although still stuck with the same body issues as before. I have gained some weight in the past six weeks, and while Steve told me it was probably muscle from running and I tend to agree because my pants only feel a little tighter and weight always goes to my stomach first, I still think that my evening snacks of ice cream may have something to do with it.

Some progress has been made with the OBGYN I am trying to see. Our family friend is getting ahold of him this week and asking him to take me earlier, so I will call Monday and try to book an appointment, and hopefully he can get me in for an internal ultrasound sooner than hopefully sometime this month which is what I have been told by the receptionists at Dr. Idiots.

And speaking of periods and all things baby, heh heh heh, we are seriously thinking about trying for another. There is a whole list of pros (and a small list of cons) and while we have agreed that ideally, I would get pregnant sometime between December and February, we realize it might take quite some time this time around. The way I figure it is that Leila arrived when she damn well pleased and any other child that we conceive will be no less stubborn or determined and therefore, also have their own schedule. But what I am saying is that we are not going to be very serious or diligent about birth control until the fall at which time we will stop using it all together.

On that note, I have the phone number of a new doctor who is apparently taking moms and babes of military families so I have to call her. And the groceries need to be put away, and the toys are everywhere, and there is (as always) a crap load of laundry to do.

wunderwuman at 10:41 a.m.

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