
Girl, you really got me going

June! Birthday month!

Leila has been babbling a lot, she even manages to come up with some words. Other than the obvious Mama and Dada (the other day when I was changing her diaper, she pointed at me and said Mama!), she also says pretty. Sure, it comes out more as preeeee but sometimes she manages a preeett. Absolutely adorable. And by the way, everything she likes is pretty. My hair, the dog, Steve, her blankie, dirt she found on the floor, the wind chimes. Two days ago she crawled over to me, climbed onto my lap and gave me a hug. I said I love you and she said, Ah ya ya. My heart soared, though she has not done it since.

She crawls everywhere, and pulls herself to standing on everything, wants to walk instead of crawl most of the time and gets mad when we make her crawl instead of hunching over while she grips out fingers with all her might and somewhat clumsily puts one foot in front of the other.

I have been insanely busy this week, with mountains and mountains of laundry, trying to get back into a workout routine, general fatigue and of course, realizing how my baby proofing efforts were not that thorough. I went for a run yesterday, borrowed a jogging stroller from the gym and ran around an outdoor track. Leila raised her hands in the air and laughed while the wind blew her hair. At least one of us enjoyed themselves, because I thought I was going to die from the burning in my hamstrings and glutes.

And now, for a little taste, while I (impatiently) await the arrival of our weddings pics, enjoy a brief preview.

wunderwuman at 8:20 a.m.

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