
Welcome back Mr. and Mrs.

Hello, hello! I guess I owe an update.

The wedding was, in a word, amazing. In a few words, wonderful, magical, emotional, so much fun. The week leading up to the big day, I slept little, and exercised less. I was worried and stressed and cried my way through the rehersal. The minister gave me a few aprehensive looks and reminded me that this was something I wasnted to do.

But on the big say, I shed only a few tears. My dress was amazing, my bridesmaids looked stunning, and it was just. . . perfect.

The Honeymoon was full of relaxing, nine hour sleeps accompanied with naps, fully relishing baby-free time and lots of hot sex. Oh yeah and talks of trying for number two, but that is a different story for a different day.

We are home now, and the laundry is piled up to the ceiling, the bedrooms are disasters, the bottles need cleaning and I am completely behind on my school work.

I can now sit back, relax and really enjoy Wedding Season (I have three to attend this summer!) because mine is all done!!

wunderwuman at 12:23 p.m.

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