
Bring it on home to me

Steve is in bed already, and I am sitting here staring at a computer screen trying to get over some serious writers block and start my assignment that is due Sunday night. I want to get it done by Thursday since I am going away for the weekend.

You got it, Leila and I are headed to Kitchener for the weekend, our first solo trip. I am a little nervous, mostly about clambering in and out of trains with a stroller and luggage and a baby. She has long outgrown her snuggli (although we did jam her into it the day we bought our Christmas tree since a stroller was not a viable option on a muddy farm) and I bought a new one today. I have not decided if I am going to keep it, if it is comfortable, if it was worth the money. It will make the train station easier, and possibly even my three (three!) trips to Nova Scotia in the next three months.

So I mentioned yesterday that Leila had her first taste of formula. Breastfeeding is still going well, but I am planning on having her weaned by the time our wedding rolls around. I have mixed feelings about the whole thing, part of me really looking forward to finally being myself again. The other part of me is totally and completely emotionally invested in breastfeeding and expects my heart to break a little with her first non-boobie-milk bottle. My mom is going to baby-sit her while we are on our honeymoon, so I want to have Leila settled into her new routine, so I am aiming to have her weaned by mid-April. I am going to give myself a month and do it slowly. Judging by her reaction yesterday to the formula, I doubt we will have any problems. We gave her the cup (which is usually filled with water at meals) and she took a couple big gulps, put it down and looked surprised. She looked at me and looked at Steve and laughed, picked up the cup and drank some more.

It seems like the time I have completely to myself is extremely limited lately, and even though to house is quiet, the kitchen is clean, the clothes are being washed and the dog has been out for the night, I am drawing a complete blank. It could be because I have been up since four thirty. Leila is fairly sporadic when it comes to her morning wake time, and it is usually anywhere between five and six thirty. I generally will not get her up before five, but just place one hand on her belly and rub her hair until she falls back to sleep. This morning she woke at four thirty, upset about something. So I put some Orajel where she has a seventh (they never stop!) tooth coming in and tried to calm her. She was awake and wanted to eat breakfast. Now. I managed to keep her fairly quiet until five and then we were off and rolling.

So it has been a fairly long day, I usually will go back to sleep when she does when we are up that early, but today I was waiting for our dryer to come.

Leila has become totally interested in feeding herself, and the rice puffs just are not cutting it anymore. So tonight instead of her pureed stuff, I gave her some whole peas. She did pretty well and seemed to eat quite a few, but after she was in bed and I was cleaning up, I found a stash smashed into her highchair padding.

And now my fatigue is starting to hit, so I am going to go crawl under my covers and snuggle beside my boy.

wunderwuman at 9:35 p.m.

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