
Nothing I Can Do

Well, we have made it seven and a half months without an illness.

We noticed yesterday as a rash slowly crept over her head and then down her neck onto her trunk, making for a truly miserable little girl. She sits on the floor and squirms her legs and cries, and she cries in her bed and cries in our arms. I googled every kid of baby rash and cannot find a similar example. There is no fever which is the only thing preventing us from spending the day at the emergency room. I will call the doctor tomorrow and expect to hear that it is viral, possibly even Roseola.

Poor, poor Leila, who has spent practically the last 24 hours in nothing but a diaper because clothes seem to make it worse, even loose, soft, cotton sleepers. She is napping now, though fitfully and my heart breaks for this little girl who is so miserable and rashy and looks at me wanting help and there is just nothing I can do.

wunderwuman at 10:30 a.m.

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