
Bake me a cake as fast as you can

Coming to you all live at so-early-it-is-dark-oclock here in Kingston. And we have been up for an hour and a half. I miss the days that Leila slept in until eight thirty.

Remember when I said I had been trying to be good about working out? Well, yesterday I decided that since we were getting booster shots, I needed to be well rested to deal with a fussy baby all day, so I had a nap while Leila did from seven til eight thirty. I was so tired all day! When she had her afternoon nap, I just vegged on the couch because I was exhausted. I guess working out in the morning keeps me going.

Milo is going bonkers. It is too cold outside for baby, not to mention pushing a stroller through icy half snowy sidewalks is a major pain in the butt, so it has been almost five days that she has been trapped indoors. We have gotten out for five or ten minutes everyday, but that just is not enough for her when she is used to out twice for about a half and hour each time. Poor Milo.

So as I mentioned, Leila had her boosters yesterday. As always it broke my heart when she looked at me with a betrayed expression and then started to cry big crocodile tears after getting pricked. The receptionist tisk-tisked me when I showed up for our appointment five minutes late and then we proceeded to wait for an hour before getting in. Two things. One, I drives me nuts to have to wait that long. Nuts! I just do not understand how every doctor in the world can be so absolutely horrible at time management that they run so far behind. And two, an hour is forever in baby world, so I was trying to keep a squirmy, cranky baby on my lap and trying to keep her from touching anything (because, hello, germ central) and for some reason at that place the waiting room is a sauna and the exam rooms (you know, where they make you keep your child in nothing but her diaper for half and hour) are freezing. So, needless to say, I was one of those mothers who looks totally frazzled who with one lone child managed to provide all of the noise in the waiting room.

On another note, here is what my bridesmaids will be wearing. In fuchsia. My maid of honour has a co-worker that commented on the fact that I must really love her, since the dress in not hideous. True, I do love her and want her to feel beautiful, but also, why would you ever ask someone to wear something ugly and unflattering on such a big day that will be forever remembered by all those pictures? My girls range from tall to short, from curvy to skinny, so I wanted to find something that was flattering to all, and that maybe they can even wear again. I am not sure what to do about the sash though. I am thinking either white or fuchsia, any suggestions?

Alright, already. I need to brush my teeth and vacuum and dust and exercise and shower in the next two hours because we are going to La Leche today, so I must run.

Also, since it is my brothers birthday on January 28 and he is coming this weekend, I am going to make him a cake and sing him Happy Birthday and make him lots of good food to eat. Yum!

wunderwuman at 6:42 a.m.

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