
Life is wonderful

Dear Leila,
I know you are teething, and I know that it hurts. I try to be patient when you are cranky and I try my best to figure out what is wrong when you just fuss fuss fuss. But no matter how much I love you, it is never, never ok to chop down on my nipples when you are eating.
love (even with my sore nipples), Mommy

Yes, thats right, we have entered the dreaded stage of biting. Oh, she has been chewing and chomping on toys and fingers and rubber spoons for a while now, and silly me thought that she would never decide to bite me.

Last night she chomped down on me three times. I was trying to put her to bed and she would not even let me put my nipple in her mouth, she just bit right away. Three times. The third time she raked those little daggers along the skin too. So I plopped her n her bed and left the room. She screamed for about fifteen minutes before I had the courage to go back in, and then she nursed fine and went to sleep. I still shudder today as I think about it.

In other news, we are about to make yet another trip to Nova Scotia. So there is that looming, and then Christmas, and Steve headed back to work (gulp. . . can I actually do this on my own?), and an online course that I will be taking.

I am trying to find some hard paged French books for Leila, and have resorted to my brother in Montreal. I have to buy a Christmas present for Steve tomorrow, I have been running, running, running and am really feeling good about myself. Sure there are those moments when I look in the mirror and see fading stretch marks and funny shaped nipples and that weird loose skin on my stomach, but mostly I am proud of myself and how I look and feel with a five month old baby.

There are the emotional days, and Leila has taken to waking in the night again. She sleeps sporadically, sometimes for twelve hours, sometimes for eight, although no matter how restless her nights, she always sleeps until at least six thirty. She had her boosters last week and is officially off the growth charts at 17 pounds, 8 ounces.

Today is mild and (kind of) sunny, so we had our coffee and tea outside and made plans to go to a different park this afternoon. We booked our flights for our Honeymoon and are going to Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon. We have been saving all of our spare change in a jar which we call our gambling fund, we are going to see Cirque de Soleil, too. The trip to Nova Scotia will bring wedding dress shopping and grandparents galore. I am excited to show off my baby who now sits on her own, flirts with anyone who lavishes attention on her, bangs her spoon on the highchair tray and giggles when you sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider.

All in all, life is wonderful.

wunderwuman at 9:30 a.m.

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