
Diapers, diapers and more diapers

So we have been using our cloth diapers and bought two more (but, ouch, because who could afford to clad their baby in twenty dollar diapers?) and I bought a couple unused diaper covers from eBay, so those should come soon. Then I will buy some prefolds
and probably just use our Fuzzi Bunzfor night time.

I had a friend over today, and met with a woman from our Childbirth classes yesterday at a playgroup at the library up the street, and Steve is driving a friend to the Toronto Airport today and I have been running and trying to keep the house clean and make some good meals and so here we are at the end of another week, and this one went really fast.

We are headed to Montreal next week for an Art Award Function and have ordered a crib for our room. My brothers roommate is going to watch Leila for us. We will put her to bed and then go. The event is literally just across the street from our hotel, but I have to say, I am a little nervous. We have left her all of two times, once with my parents to go out for supper and once with Sara for a movie. We will have a cell with us and most likely, Leila will just sleep the whole time, so I hope I can relax and actually enjoy the event.

Other than that, nothing is new. My parents are coming next weekend (oy, we have had a lot of company this fall) and then we will be heading out to the Maritimes in early December for a week or so. We are going to spend Christmas in Kingston, which will be our first Christmas spent together, my first Christmas away from my brothers and parents and of course, our first time playing Santa. We started shopping last night, and got a little toy for Leila, Steve�s family is done and mine is almost. Luckily, we really do not have that much to do. I will have to find something for a couple friends.

I am also planning on doing some wedding dress shopping while home, as there is a really nice store there. Also, I will start my registry at a few shops there and I think we will make one at a large department store, too.

So, yeah, back to cloth diapers. I am really impressed by them. I have used them both during the day and at night and there has been nary a leak. They seem to help Leila�s skin a little. By no means does she have skin problems, but she is always a little red come bath time and since we have put two cloth diapers into the rotation, it seems to have cleared up. Steve and I got into kind of an argument about it the other night. I could not really convince him to make the switch so I just ordered two and then told him once they came. He suggested that we order two more and put them into the rotation. I said after a couple weeks of doing that, why don�t we buy some more? And blah blah blah I get a little set on stuff once I have my mind to it and didn�t seem to be taking into consideration his point of view and I read too much about things and all in all, seemed to have my mind set on doing this whole cloth thing and didn�t really seem to let him have a say in it. So, end of story, he likes the pocket diapers but is still suspicious of prefolds since there is nothing to take the moisture (read, pee) away from the bum.

Also! Did I mention that we started feeding Leila some cereal? I know it is kind of early, but man, was that girl hungry. We give her a little every morning after she nurses and she opens her mouth wide and gobbles it right up (well, all of the cereal that actually stays in her mouth).

Anyway while she naps I need to toss in a load of laundry and finish making some Christmas presents (ha! I almost said what I was making but then I remembered that my brother reads this page. Nice try John!). (Ha! Again because when we were young we used to tell each other every single year what we had gotten for each other) (and by young, I mean I think we did it up until, like, three years ago)

wunderwuman at 1:17 p.m.

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