
Castor Oil, does a baby good?

Well, I have entered into a new realm, one that I swore I would never enter. The realm of castor oil.

I mentioned it to my midwife sometime last week in a moment of desperation and she warned me against the stuff, since I was not ready. I grumbled to Steve but was secretly relieved because, well, it makes you shit your drawers off and frankly, I have no problems with my regularity and was kind of hoping that my labour would start without a couple hours of intense diarreah.

However, it has not. So yesterday during my stretch and sweep (Ow!) after she told me I was. . .get ready for it. . .are you excited. . .three and a half centimetres that she could stretch to five!!, it was determined that my cervix is ready to benefit from some power shits.

We went immediately to the grocery store and picked some up (by the way, they come in iddy biddy containers). I sat it on the stove yesterday afternoon and all last night whenever I walked into the kitchen, I swear it was looking at me, teasing me, taunting me. And I think my butt clenched a little bit every time I saw it. After a restless sleep (during which I dreamed of labouring in the hospital beside a man who was worried because his baby was in the wrong position, go figure), I decided to brave the oil. So I opened the bottle and to my surprise it is not black and does not stink! I poured it into a cup, trying not to let my stomach turn at how thick it was and poured some juice on top of it. Huh. Oil really does not mix. Looking at that juicy oil mixture made me want to vomit, so I poured it down the drain. Then I remembered reading something about peanut butter helping wash down castor oil. So I got out a trusty spoon and filled it with peanut butter, and then I got out another spoon and filled it with oil and poured it down my throat. Keep in mind I am a person who cannot shoot alcohol, come close to vomiting when Steve hacks up mucus and gagged for twenty minutes after I swallowed a black fly yesterday. So, in other words, I am a barfer. Turns out? Castor oil is really not so bad! Sure I gagged as it was in my mouth and then again as I swallowed and good thing the juice glass was in my hand because I washed that spoonful down pretty damn quick and whoever it is in internet land that wrote about the spoonful of peanut butter is an angel because it worked great, but I got two spoonfuls down before I decided to take a break.

So three and a half centimetres is good, right? Seriously, the first time my mom got checked when she was in labour she was only three! So something has to happen soon, right? RIIIGHT? Because if I crap all day long and do not even get the benefit of meeting my kid in the next couple days, I just might lose it!

wunderwuman at 9:38 a.m.

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