
D-Day takes on a new meaning today

The last few nights as I lie in bed waiting to fall asleep, I have been composing entries in my mind. Mostly about the visit I had with my brother. But also about life in general, life apart from this pregnancy. It feels as though my mind races all day long about baby and the birth that when the quiet moments just before slumber arrive, there are other thoughts that lull me to sleep. And yet, every morning I wake with my mind full of birth and baby.

I figured I owed an update, if for no other reason than to say there has been no arrival as of yet.

We had a false alarm Monday night, with about four hours of regular contractions that got stronger as the night wore on and were about seven or ten minutes apart. We watched a movie and went for a walk and decided to get some sleep, and when I woke up in the middle of the night to pee, they had stopped.

My midwife appointment is this afternoon and I am expecting my blood pressure to be up, but mostly because it has been high the past couple of weeks, and this heat is surprisingly hard on me, although cool baths do wonders.

I have been taking things pretty slowly, though we have been going for two or three walks a day, and have decided that if the baby is not born until mid-June then we will most likely cancel our July trip out east.

I was not convinced that I was in labour Monday night, and told Steve not to when he wondered if we should call the Midwife, but as I thought about it yesterday, I realized that I really am ready to have this child.

There are moments when I am gripped with fear for her, and pray that she will be healthy with a fully functional brain. It is scary to think that all we know is what we saw at twenty two weeks, which was four limbs, ten fingers and toes and her organs. There are moments that I wish we had done the genetic testing after all, because maybe that would have alleviated some if this worry. But two healthy parents with healthy families bode well.

I have to do some laundry today, and wash the sheets in the spare bedroom. My parents are going to stay in a hotel while they are here, but I feel better knowing that the sheets are clean on the bed. I will iron a little, get too hot and take a cold bath and by then Steve should be home and we will head over to the Midwives. I am hoping that I have dilated another centimeter or two.

And that is all really, I finally renewed my gold membership which I somehow did not realize was even close to expiring and I have been using my birthing ball (A.K.A. Exercise ball) as a chair lately in hopes of the baby turning the right way. It seems to be working, and apparently sometimes all it takes is a few contractions to get them turned around. Which seems to be true since Monday night I had a bum sticking strangely far out the front of my stomach.

This is me last week during our daily park walk.

wunderwuman at 11:24 a.m.

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