
Life aint always beautiful, but its a beautiful ride

Hey! Mandisa was my favourite!

In brief, my back is killing me, I wake up every two hours through the night to pee, I have gained 30 pounds, still have not started baby laundry, met with my secondary midwife yesterday and did not click with her at all, especially considering how she implied we were foolish and overcautious to have a hospital birth and it was inappropriate to consider banking our cord blood since what this country really needed was a public cord bank (that may be sweetheart, but a public cord bank does not exist and there is a frightening amount of cancer, including childhood cancer in my family, and who are you to judge me anyway?), gave Steve a dirty look when he asked why meconium was bad to see when my water breaks and looked at me like I had two heads when I asked about enemas (hey, I just wanted to know what to expect). So, we both hope that she is not the midwife on duty when I go into labour. As the second midwife she would be the babys midwife, and as she told us that I immediately thought that I did not want her touching my child. I might talk to my regular next time about how I felt.

So, I am up thirty pounds. I figure by the time the next eight weeks roll by, and then after giving birth and losing all of my extra fluid in the first couple weeks, I will be stuck with about 25 extra pounds to lose. Sigh. My mom asked me if I missed my thin body and I told her I was starting too. I wonder why you get fat everywhere when you are pregnant. Obviously the easy answer is that I used to work out five times a week and really monitor what I ate, much more so than I do now. Not that I eat unhealthy, but that if I want a bowl of ice cream or a cookie, I will have it, while before I would have had something else. That said, the fat that has pocketed around my thighs and ribs is still disheartening in a way. Steve is great, constantly telling my how beautiful and sexy I look, constantly touching my belly and smiling, telling me not to worry about extra weight, that we can run and bike together, that he loves me, that I am the most beautiful woman he has ever met, that he does not know what he did to be so lucky to have me and soon our baby in our life. It helps, it really, really helps.

Anyway, I have coffee with a friend today, who is due Sunday, and we start our childbirth classes tonight. I have to get my car in for an oil change and a check up since it has reached 32000 kms sometime soon, and call the bank and ask them where my damn receipt for my RSP is and call the Cord Bank people because turns out they can draw the blood here but we have to arrange for the transport to the hospital in Toronto and hopefully it is not going to have to be Steve driving it there or something.

Anyway, I woke up kind of cranky, but maybe a hot shower will help push it all away, as well as this killer knot in behind my shoulder blade. Blah.

wunderwuman at 9:36 a.m.

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