
Bottles, boobs and baby poop

Steve is off today, and currently passed out on the couch. I love long weekends, they are so relaxing and nice and make me think ahhhhhh inside.

We went to see Date Movie last night, which was about as good as expected. That is to say I laughed a couple times, was glad we saw a no brainer and Steve said he was waiting for it to be over. But, seriously, why is it ok to make fun of fat people? Am I the only person that really does not find fat jokes funny? Because they are not funny, they are mean. Sure, this movie was a spoof on essentially everything, but even in other movies, the fat person never has depth to their character or good lines, they are just there for physical comedy I guess. But I find it offensive, not funny. Shallow Hal? Just Friends? None of them are funny.

We went to the park today and then to a couple suit stores, because Steve has decided that he wants either a sport jacket or a suit for his birthday. So suits are not insanely expensive, but seriously, not cheap. We looked at two, one at each store we went to, and while the first was almost a hundred dollars cheaper, the second was soooo much nicer. It fit better and looked like a nicer suit. So I am torn. I always advocate the slightly more expensive stuff, if it is worth it. Dish towels? Not worth it. Toilet paper? Definitely worth it. Sandwich bags? Not worth it. Suits? I think they might be worth it.

He is torn (and by torn I mean I think that he knows which he would like better but refuses to tell me because he wants me to pick the gift that I want to give him) between a black suit (versatile, smart, sexy) and a lighter coloured sport jacket (stylish! and summery). I told him that if we decided on the suit (notice we not me), I would take him with me to buy it and get them to do the measurements then. He is the MC of a friends wedding reception this summer, so that has sort of fueled this fire. He has been looking at jackets and suits for a while now, but really wants one before July. A black suit is totally do-able at a summer wedding, especially paired with the right tie and shirt, but a sports coat with khakis and the right shirt and tie is a little more casual, maybe a little more Steve. Anyway we are going to go look again, since his birthday is not until March 22.

I have been reading a lot (I thought about putting obsessively in there but decided against it) about the best way to introduce a nursed baby to a bottle, the right time, the right bottle, blah blah blah. Because while I plan to breastfeed exclusively (please oh please let my baby love the boob and be a good latcher), I am not planning on being attached to my child without the possibility of separation for the first year of her life (I refuse to give up date night!) and want someone to be able to stick a bottle in her mouth when she wakes up if we have gone to the movies or out for supper.

Turns out, it seems to be a highly scientific process. It cannot be done too early, or else the baby will get lazy at the boob. It cannot be done too late (although the article did not exactly clarify why). The bottle and nipple have to be sterilized (DONT TOUCH THE INSIDES AFTER THEY ARE STERILE!!) for the first four months (how do you sterilize anyway? I assumed boiling, but then I thought maybe you cannot boil the rubber nipples?) It has to be a slow-flow nipple (a what?). You have to try to get the milk to let down from the bottle the same way it lets down from the breast which seems to be swishing the bottle back and forth. And WORST OF ALL, it may only work at first when I leave the room! Because baby sees Mommy and wants the boob (understandably . . . Steve sees me and wants the boobs too! He he he). But what the writer of this article does not seem to realize is the way Steve is laid back about everything! If I tell him to swish the bottle and make sure you hold the baby this way and I think you are doing it wrong and just GIVE ME MY CHILD I will nurse her it is just EASIER! Well, he might tell me to beat it (which right now, I see that as being totally understandable, but I reserve the right to lose what little sense of logic that I now have once anyone else but me is holding that kid). Not that I do not trust Steve and love him and would never want any other man to be the father of my children and I really do think he will be an amazing father and supportive husband and will let me cry into his arms when I just for some reason cannot stop even though the baby is healthy and sleeping quietly. And I will try with all my heart to bite my tongue, but, well, I am somewhat of a control freak. As in I like my towels folded a certain way. And the bed made a certain way. And we have established these things, and it works well between us (since I am the towel folder and bed maker). But bossy when it comes to his baby? Not going to go over so well.

Anyway, I have totally gone off topic. The topic was boobs and bottles. I have had my eye on a certain type of bottle and pump for a while and although I am waiting to ask the LaLeche ladies about it, this article said they were good bottles. Which companies still make bad bottles, I really cannot say, but I am not here to question, I am here to get the best things for my baby, especially when those things are colic-reducing nipples. Come to think of it, I wonder if women come equipped with colic-reducing nipples? Ha ha ha ha.

Ah entries have been boring lately, but just wait until the baby actually gets here, I will be writing about how we thought she was smiling but actually she was just pooping and let me tell you what it looked like! Heh. Ah motherhood, I cannot wait.

wunderwuman at 3:48 p.m.

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