
Never was a cornflake girl

A few months ago, my parents spent a couple nights in Washington D.C. and, as their often exciting lives tend to lead them to exciting events, they had dinner at the Canadian Embassy with good ole Frank McKenna and a bunch of other folks. Now, the proper conduct is that he is referred to as Mr. Ambassador. Well, he told my parents a story (which they, in turn told me) about when he first moved to Washington. I am not sure how many of you out there know many Maritimers, but we are a breed all of our own. We are friendly and casual and, generally, tend not to put on airs. So anyway, during his first few weeks in Washington, he would get visitors from home. One particular fellow came into the Embassy and asked to see Frank. The ended up bringing him the janitor named Frank who worked out back. Apparently, now the guards know that Mr. Ambassador is in fact, Frank.

So Hurray for Frank McKenna and the fact that he thinks he would not turn down a bid for Leadership! Hurray for politicians from the East who have really done great things with their province! Hurray for someone under 60! Go Frank Go!

In other political news? Boo Belinda Stronach. When they were all campaigning for head of the Conservative Party, she came to Halifax, so obviously, I went to see what she had to say for herself. Seriously? Not a whole lot. She bumbled about equality and that was pretty much all she managed to spit out. Now I am sure that since that time she has grown as a politician and as a person, obviously she stands up for her values which she illustrated by crossing the floor, but not only did she have essentially nothing to say, she was not even dynamic. And dynamic is something that a leader of a county should be (not that we have had a dynamic leader in a while). Anyway, I am tempted to join the Liberal party so that I can vote in this Leadership race. But realistically, I will not.

Last political note, congrats to the NDP! They did wonderfully this election. While I am at best suspicious of the NDP and their financial accountability and am not inclined to vote for them, I think that they are a great asset to the House of Commons.

Enough politics! I try not to write too much about politics in here. . . but tis the season. I suppose.

So I did my volunteering stint on Monday afternoon, sorting the food on shelves for a while and then giving out food until ten after four. It was nice and fun and I got choked up when one woman said God Bless You to me. Yesterday I had a quick coffee with my friend Melissa that turned into two hours of gossiping and catching up. We might get together this weekend, but if not are going to make Tuesday coffee a regular event (and can I just mention how much I love Vanilla Bean Latte from Second Cup?). I have successfully worked out every day this week (sure that has only been two days), and am taking today to finally get to the pile of dishes in the sink, make chili for supper, take Milo to the park, probably have a workout and putter around the house.

I felt my baby move, like, three or four times yesterday, which has been by far the most activity I have felt. I have been re-reading the chapter in my baby book on labour and delivery and I signed up for my childbirth classes. I also signed up for a breastfeeding course, but am going to cancel because I found one that I can go to for free. Who knew you had to pay for childbirth classes? Ah well. I would really like to do without medication for the pain, but I am trying not to put a lot of pressure on myself. My midwife cleared for me to head out to Florida at the end of March, and I think my mom is booking the tickets today. And now I am going to send Steve a money email to buy my train ticket to visit Amandain a couple weekends because he gets twenty-five percent off! Yay for discounts!

P.S. Happy Birthday Dad!

wunderwuman at 9:23 a.m.

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