

I�m tired of my layout. Unfortunately, I am embarrassingly illiterate in my web design knowledge. I must learn, really. But it�s one of those things that I don�t even know where to begin. Maybe that will be my fourth New Year�s Resolution, to design my own webpage.

In other news, my mouth is sore. I had gum surgery last Thursday, gum grafting, more specifically. They cut a �little� piece of gum from the roof of my mouth and sewed it onto my four bottom teeth. By little, I mean, it�s still a pretty big hole on the inside of my mouth. The dressing came off early, so I called the dentist today, because I can�t even drink a mouthful of water without it hurting. She�s yet to call back. That�s probably enough about the inside of my mouth.

We had a Blizzard yesterday. Turns out when there are blizzards, we don�t need to come into work. I found that out the hard day. Even the busses weren�t running, but like a dedicated little worker I am, I made my way through treacherous conditions to sit, practically alone for the whole day in my office. And once I was here, I couldn�t very well justify leaving, since the weather only got better as the day went on. OK, so I didn�t exactly �make my way�� Steve drove me. But, hey the roads were icy and snowy and treacherous. This morning my boss was dumbfounded that five of us made it in: from now on we will get a call if we�re supposed to come in on storm days. There is snow forecast for Thursday, and I really would love a day off. I thought about suggesting an extra vacation day for those of us who managed to brave the storm and get in, but then thought that might not be appropriate.

That�s it really, I�m trying to get back into the swing of going to the gym, but the more I think about it, the more I realize that I�ve been �trying to get back into the swing of things� for about four months now, and really should just pick my ass up off the chair and go for a run. Especially if I�m going to successfully run a 10k and triathlon. Bah, Run Club starts next week. Also, my dad�s birthday is next week. I am going to try my hand at making marmalade for him tonight. That said I am going to go look up recipes online. Huh. Or do some work. One of the two.

wunderwuman at

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