
Come on up for the Rising

Yesterday I was tired and unhappy and lonely, and I wanted to write all of it down but I didn't let myself. Because I'm trying to ignore the sad feelings and focus on the good ones.

I wrote a ten page paper until one o'clock in the morning and then layed in bed coughing before I could sleep restlessly.

But this morning I woke up, before my alarm, and layed in bed. I woke up with The Rising in my head. I woke up feeling excited to go to the gym today, to start doing sprints today and to go for a run.

In my break between classes I have to go to the library and get more books for a fourteen page paper that is due one week from today. I've never written a paper that huge and frankly, it scares the shit out of me.

But today is blues skies again and mild temperatures. Another day of spring.

I guess it's normal to get lonely where there is only one boy who's an old flame asking me on dates, and when last weekend my ex-boyfriend looked so good, and everynight this week I had dreams of being hugged and loved.

But I'm trying to stay focused on the three assignments left before exams start. On the fitness testing that will happen soon. On the blue sky and on the smiles of my girlfriends. These things bring me pleasure.

wunderwuman at

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